At first glance, psychedelic lime green and purple girls bedding might strike the average mom and dad as too strong a reminder of the days when they themselves were a bit more Bohemian in their lifestyle than their parents might have liked. If they had known how deeply entrenched the Boho way of life was in their kids they probably would have forbidden them to ever leave their rooms much less to decorate it with wild and funky purple girls bedding with designs right out of a bad acid trip. For this reason teenage girls might have to exert a little rebellious independence in their attitude if purple and lime tie dye bedding is their idea of ideal bedroom decor.
In today's political climate we see more demand for teen and tween girl's bedroom decorations that reach back to the "Flower Power" free wheeling days of the 1960s and early 1970s. Those kids experimented with far too many illegal drugs during those days when the motto was Peace, Love and Rock and Roll and unfortunately many paid the consequences with at worst the loss of their life or at least damaging effects to their health that may have not become obvious until much later.
Today's kids have heard all the stories, seen pictures of the hippies and listened to the music that was played in the background by artists that sadly didn't live long enough to reach their potential. The good news is that teens of today are wise to the evil of street drugs and the carnage they leave in their wake. They just want to experience the good parts of that era like the fabrics and wall decorations.
Relax mom, a set of lime green and purple girls bedding in a Bohemian style is not going to send your little girl down the path to destruction. Take a deep breath, let her decorate the bedroom with whatever hippie style decorating ideas that she may have on her mind and use this time together to start a conversation about how wild colors are cool but alcohol, cigarettes and drugs are anything but.
Return to Tween and Teenage Girls Bedding and Bedroom Decorating Ideas to see luxury bedding as well as inexpensive bed in a bag sets for teens.
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