At first glance, black and white comforters might not catch your eye. But when you realize all the cool stuff that you can do with them, SNAP; the ingenious decorating ideas for a teenage girl’s bedroom come flooding into your mind like a massive mudslide straight through the urban streets of Manhattan.
Comparing a teen’s bedroom decorating project to an improbably natural disaster may be a pretty dramatic analogy. Yet, once you see the possibilities for coordinating fabric colors, patterns and prints you will realize the lame attempt at correlating a flood with the rush of inspiration was quite appropriate and more than a little inspired if you will allow me the luxury of overexcitement.
Black and white comforter sets
are possibly one of the more versatile (and affordable if you can find a bed in a bag set that you like) and interesting options for a sophisticated style of decor. Combined with hot pink your full, queen or twin size comforter can compete with the funkiest of the funky bed comforters on the market, bring in bold red and things just got serious or toss in some electric purple and the atmosphere goes sexy and supercharged.
If jewel tones are not your bag, black and white comforter and bedding sets with a precious puppy print comforter and sheets or perhaps kitty cat print fabrics backed in powder pink will keep the bedroom cute and innocent enough so that it’s suitable for a tween or preteen’s bedroom design.
Return to Tween and Teenage Girls Bedding, Comforters and Bedroom Decorating Ideas to see more black and white bedding sets with coordinating accent pillows and bedroom decorations.
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