Ask preteens their favorite in bedroom decor right now and
Tinkerbell comforters
and accessories will be the top answer nine times out of ten. From daybed bedding sets to queen and (hard to find) king size comforters, this little pixie is flying off the silver screen and into the hearts and bedrooms all over the world.
Large pictures of Tink in her emerald green dress with fairy wings flying in the breeze are emblazoned across the tops of Tinkerbell comforters and duvet covers with matching sheets and pillow cases in popular colors. For girls who consider themselves too mature for pink and green there are sets that offer opportunities to decorate in a blue or even a green color scheme.
Pick up a Tinkerbell lamp, area rug and life size Tinkerbell fairy wall stickers, decals and wallies and step back to see the fantastic effects that this particular kind of fairy dust can have on a young girl’s bedroom.
To take the fantasy even further, sprinkle some glow in the dark stickers and decorative items in the bedroom so that when the lights go out your little girl can enjoy the show until the sandman pays her a visit.
What is amazing is how this fairy’s star quality has sky rocketed seemingly overnight. After all, Peter Pan has been around for quite some time and has been enjoyed for more than one generation of kids. His heroic efforts in overcoming the wicked Captain Hook are legend. Peter Pan is cute and he may be the main character in the storybook, but Tinkerbell comforters, bedding and accessories are probably outpacing him in product sales.
Return to Tween and Teenage Girls Tinkerbell Comforters and Bedroom Decorating Ideas to find more ways to decorate the bedrooms in your home with flirty fairies.
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