For the little lady who has moved beyond less mature art, perhaps black and white drawings of ladybugs will be a more appealing option for filling the need of a lucky ladybug or two in her bedroom. Pencil or cartoon drawings of our favorite insects are more creative than photographs and a world beyond the fanciful pictures that are commonly used to decorate the nurseries and bedrooms of much younger girls.
If you are artistic, you may want to exercise your creative talents and make your own ladybug drawings. The advantages to picking up a pencil or a piece of charcoal and art paper and taking a do it yourself approach to your subject is that you can use your imagination, enjoy the process and have a virtual guarantee that the results will match your bedroom’s decor.
Speaking of appropriate spaces for posters, pictures or black and white drawings of ladybugs; a teenage girl’s bedroom with a black and white polka dot comforter with splashes of red elsewhere in the room as an accent color would be perfect.
Black and white drawings of ladybugs rarely clash with any color scheme. So color is not an issue. However, if you make your own artwork, you can feature your black and white ladybugs engaged amusing activities that reflect your own personal interests and hobbies or surround them with any background of your choosing.
As an example, one big ladybug in the center of a single piece of paper is a graphic that will make a bold, modern statement that will be perfect for the walls of a contemporary style room. For a softer, natural look you might draw your ladybug lounging on a leaf or a blade of grass in a garden.
Whether your ladybug drawings are simply a practice session or to decorate a particular room in your home, I’m sure they will bring you joy and hopefully luck in the bargain.
Return to Tween and Teenage Girl Bedding and Bedroom Decorating Ideas to find more suggestions for artwork that will complete the look of your room to perfection.
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