Behold, the most alluring lime green silk dragon comforter that I have seen in quite some time and possibly ever in my decorating career. What a perfect example of how the bedding fabric sets the tone for the rest of the bedroom. In this case, the embroidered, gold dragons breathing fire and writhing their way across the top of the bedding will lead the way to an equally attractive layout for the rest of the bedroom that is striking and dramatic in an interesting color scheme.
I can imagine this oriental dragon comforter on a bed with a black lacquer headboard with the bedside tables and bedroom furniture following suit. Furnishings inlaid with mother of pearl with aged brass hardware and lamps with rice paper shades will complete the Asian inspired décor and allow the dragon comforter and bedding set to be the shining medallion or centerpiece of the bedroom’s design.
The luscious, lime green
dragon bedding
set needs no assistance provided from bright accent pieces. It would be a shame for a comforter of this kind to have to compete for dominance. The black, painted furniture that I suggested is not for the purpose of toning down the brightly colored fabrics. To the contrary, the dark colors are to lift this piece up so that it gets the attention that it so richly deserves.
Return to Tween and Teenage Girl Bedding and Bedroom Decorating Ideas to see more out of this world bedding collections and tips for how to design a bedroom that will display them to full advantage.
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