Saturday, December 29, 2007
I may seem to focus primarily on finding the perfect set of cool bedding for modern teen girls in my blog entries, but I want to let my visitors know that I do pay attention to the whole decorating package. I take care to design bedrooms for tweens and teens with ideas that will catch the attention from the minute the bedroom door is opened.
Focal points on the walls, floors, ceilings as well as the bed itself are very important elements in the decor. What good is a funky comforter if the rest of the room is plain Jane? Let's narrow it down even more and say that the rest of the bed itself should not be without interesting appointments and design.
The bed frame is not an issue because the bed skirt or dust ruffle covers it completely in most cases. A sumptuous padded mattress cover is a lovely addition for reason pertaining to comfort and protection of the mattress more than appearance.
This brings us to the subject of headboards.
The headboard of the bed could almost be considered the bridge between bedroom wall decoration and the bedspread. There are many popular styles of headboard from bookcase to luxuriously upholstered headboards. The kind that is right for your little lady's room depends entirely on your taste. Go classic with iron or brass or make your own headboard with instructions from any number of free patterns and videos found online with very few tools or materials.
One of the most creative headboard ideas that I've seen for a pink and frilly girl's bedroom recently involved a set of large headboard stickers or wallies that I found at American Blinds, Wallpaper & More at less than twenty five dollars each! This would be perfect for a coed's dorm room or apartment where you didn't want to haul lots of heavy furniture up multiple flights of stairs!
Return to Tween and Teenage Girl Bedding and Bedroom Decorating and Headboard Ideas for more tips on the latest in bedroom decor that you can easily make yourself.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Four walls covered in a bold diamond pattern might be a little bit overpowering even for a sassy teenage girl's bedroom wall decorations, so what's a decorator to do? I would say that if diamonds are to be a girl's BFF (best friend forever) the wall painting technique might benefit from a chair rail. You can use a faux chair rail that's been painted as a break at the right height or if you prefer a 3D effect, you can nail some wooden trim as it's not too expensive. If you want to do something funky and fun, you can hot glue some fake fur, feathers or beaded trim in coordinating colors. Silk flowers at regular intervals can be cool, too. It all depends on your bedroom color scheme or decor.
You can stencil your large wall diamond designs above or below the chair rail and then tone them down with painted stripes below the chair rail. So long as you keep the color combinations similar, you should be in good shape! Here's a cool decorating tip to add a little something special to your diamond pattern; at the tip of each diamond glue or nail in a decorative nail head. You can find lots of burnished silver, brass and gold nailheads to use at your local upholstery shop.
Friday, December 21, 2007
In my opinion giraffe is one of the more unique wild animal prints and I wonder why it's not used more in teen girl's bedrooms. I was looking for some tween safari theme decorating ideas and came across the usual cheetah, zebra and leopard print bedding sets and BOOM I chanced upon some luxurious chocolate brown and gold giraffe bedding. My first thoughts were to wonder why on earth I had not designed a room covered in giraffe patterns before. The only answer that I could come up with is that I might have regarded the earth tones found in a giraffe skin to be a little too dark or mature for a tween's or teen girl's bedroom much less a baby's giraffe nursery theme.
I still might not advise using these earthy tones for a preteen, but older girls are demanding more and more sophisticated bedding for their daybeds in their dorm rooms as well as their beds at home. If you don't want to drown the room in a sea of giraffe opt for a sumptuous golden or brown dupioni silk for bedspread. If you skip the busy pattern for your comforter or duvet cover, drop some pops of giraffe on the bed with pillow shams, bolsters or small accent pillows or any number of other decorative items like a giraffe shower curtain for the adjoining bath as well as chair and ottoman covers that will help you to complete a successful giraffe decorating project.
Return to Teenage Girls Giraffe Bedding and Bedroom Decorating Ideas for some tips on ways to incorporate this unique wild animal print into your home's decor.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Mixing and matching bedding fabrics has a way of making any duvet cover or comforter so much more exciting! First of all, it’s a real challenge to choose just the right balance of color, texture and design for a teen girls decor. A paisley pattern with all those funky, bold shapes and colors is no different.
Here are some ideas on how to decorate your teen or preteen girl's room with funky paisley motifs and designs using fabrics printed with different patterns and prints rather than solid colors.
You know from the beginning of this bedroom makeover that you will have to bring in a print with small designs that will provide a background for the dominant paisley fabrics.
Take inventory of the color scheme of the large paisley pattern. Paisley patterns are an eclectic hodgepodge of color, but which one jumps out at you? Whatever the answer to that question may be, that color will be used as accent colors in decorating the bedroom.
Now, what color seems to be the anchor or background in the paisley design? That’s the color you will use in your coordinating prints. An example would be that if your paisley bedding pattern has hot pink flowers with brown stems on a field of beige choose a fabric with a neutral brown print. Some examples of acceptable patterns would be gingham checks, polka dots, houndstooth or wild animal prints like the cheetah print in the pictures.
Consider how fabulous the hot pink paisleys will look beside the chocolate brown prints!
cheetah print,
decorating tips for teen girls,
funky teen bedding,
paisley bedding,
paisley designs,
paisley fabrics,
paisley patterns,
paisley prints,
teen girl bedroom decorating ideas
No matter what season it is, surfboard bedding sells. Regardless of what the weather's like in their country, surfing nuts know that somewhere in the world the waves are perfect, the sun is shining and the sand is soft and just waiting for them to show up and ride the waves and dance the night away.
Some lucky teenage girls get to enjoy winter surfing vacations. Those of us who are land locked and less fortunate can only dream of tropical flowers and swaying coconut palms AND design an island oasis in our homes starting with just the right set of surfboard bedding.
Until summer arrives and the calendar says it’s the perfect time to head to the seashore and hang ten at our favorite Hawaiian beach or a quiet cove tucked away near our town, a girl's got to make do. We can be all sad and lament the lack of surfing opportunities or be positive and spend our time coming up with cool ways to decorate the bedroom with stuff that makes a sand and surf oriented teen girl tickled pink. A pretty surfing theme comforter, quilt or bedding set with pictures of brightly colored woody surfboards is a great place to begin the decorative process.
The great thing about this particular surfboard bedding and beach themed room design is that it works equally well for tweens and teens girls….and in a pinch you could slide surfboard bedding into a young boy’s room unless the surfboards are pink!
Once you decorate your bed with your favorite beach bedding set, pick up some cheap accessories shaped like surfboards. Here are some surfboard theme decorating ideas for a preteen or teen girl’s bedroom:
- Surfboard clocks
- Surfboard rugs
- Furniture made out of an old surfboard (Adirondack chairs with surfboard backs)
There you go! Scatter some funky colored tropical fish decorations and tiki hut stuff around the room and you’re good to go until it’s hot enough to break out the bikini and board shorts and hit the beach.
Return to Tween and Teenage Girls Bedding, Bed in a Bag, Comforter Sets and Bedroom Decorating Ideas for more surfing theme inspiration.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Pink and Green Bedding for Tweens and Teens
Nothing is as fresh and pretty as a new set of pink and green bedding for a tween or teens bedroom. A patchwork quilt or comforter is stunning and not so country that your teen will object so long as you offer a color scheme that is appealing. Even if you rely on a retro paisly print or polka dots to sneak your favorite colors by your young lady, the result will be worth the compromise.
For a vintage feel, consider brushing the rust off of grandmother's old iron bed and giving it a modern look with some fresh white paint. If you don't have an authentic antique iron bed tucked away in storage, there are replicas that are just as good as the real article. If you shop carefully, you can find an ornate metal bed that's relatively inexpensive and fancy enough to provide a beautiful background for most any style of pink and green bedding that you desire.
Monday, December 3, 2007
I am often asked for French bedding which is in actuality, Paris apartment style bedding ideas, for preteen girls. When it comes to French style bedding, what could possibly be more Parisian than a chic Fleur de Lys design? There are various prints that will forever be associated with France like French toile bedding fabrics, but everybody doesn't like busy, formal print. Preteens are often against floral prints of any kind so what are we left with that will have a French feel? I would say that Eiffel Tower and Fleur de Lys motifs would be our best options.
Picture luxurious silk shams and comforters with this lovely traditional motif printed in any color or this might be your chance to jump into monochromatic black and white bedding.
Here's an idea for how to make any solid color bedding set into a funky, fabulous French bedding set at a very cheap price!
Here's how to make your own inexpensive girl's French theme bedding for your teen.
Pick up a solid color comforter or duvet cover. Pillow shams or a duvet cover will be easier to work with for a beginner. Unless you are an advanced stamper, you may not want to experiment on a solid white or an expensive piece of fabric.- Buy a large Fleur de Lys stamp and a small Fleur de Lys stamp
- Get some black (or whatever coordinating color you want your motifs on your bedding to be) fabric paint
Spread your fabric on a smooth surface, make marks with a pencil to help you space your designs and stamp!
If you prefer, you can substitute Eiffel tower graphics for the Fleur de Lys to make your own Parisian Eiffel Tower print French bedding set.
When you finish, you will have a lovely, sophisticated set of bedding that will make you think of Paris each and every time you walk into the bedroom.
I once used this decorating idea on a pale pink duvet cover and sham set. I was able to give a a used comforter set a makeover and the results were stunning! We came up with a really cool set of pink and black bedding that you couldn't find in stores! I attached some black pom pom and fringe trim to a few accent pillows and arranged some pink French poodles with rhinestone collars on wall shelves to pull my poodles in Paris decor together. If you aren't a dog lover, exchange the poodle decorations for some Eiffel tower decorations or anything else that means "Paris" to you!
Return to Tween and Teenage Girls Bedding and Bedroom Decorating Ideas for more advice on French decor for kids.
eiffel tower bedding,
french bedding,
paris bedding
Friday, November 30, 2007
I have seen instructions for decorative painting techniques recently that involved stenciling the fabric of chair cushions. What a unique way to give plain old solid color pillows a makeover! I went in search of stencil patterns that would make the do it yourself decorative painting so quick and easy that teens could manage the entire project from selecting some bad (read good) paint colors to making their own stencil designs. What I found initially didn't make me overly excited. There were some pretty designs, but most were too fancy or ornate for what I had in mind.
Then I came across the Asian stencils that would look so very cool with black and white bedding even if the entire bedroom is not decorated in an Asian theme. You could take tiny portions of the stencil and paint Asian figures practically anywhere in the room! I especially love the idea of a few symbols in white on black satin accent pillows or black and red on white silk fabrics. How sexy would that feel, I want to know!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
From toddlers to teen girls, ladybugs are just hard to ignore. Some tweens just love country decor full of patchwork quilts with red and white gingham fabrics, so why not combine the two? The result would be a fun and wholesome mix of two popular girl's bedroom themes. How can you go wrong with a winning combination like that?
Along with your funky ladybugs, you can throw in some sunflowers and even throw in some polka dots on your decorative accessories or a blanket for good measure. What an uplifting and delightful bedroom you can have with such a peppy color scheme.
There are many teen bedding collections that mix and match, so why don't you try your hand at coordinating colors and fabric patterns to see what new and original decor you can create?
I couldn't wait to share my decoration idea for a pretty pink, white and lavender set of ballerina bedding with you! How cute would a set of ballet theme bedding be in your tween's room? I have pictures of ribbons, bows and flowers appliqued on a comforter in my mind that would be so devine with all of your girl's prima ballerina collectibles and chances are that you won't have to change her color scheme.
In those years between preteen and teen, a ballet theme may be just the right touch of French theme elegance, luxury and sophistication that you need for a room design that both you and your daughter can agree on. Lots of sweetness and light with the aloof demeanor of the ballerinas that your tween seems to be duplicating as of late. Enjoy your last chance to decorate the bedroom in pastel colors and florals. Hang prints of ballet shoes or better yet, make a wall arrangement of ballet slippers hanging from their wide satin ribbons from an ornate gold or silver hook. A tutu on a padded hanger is a beautiful decoration for the door of an antique armoire.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
GIANT Lava Lamps - The Mesmerizing Meditative Effects of this Decorative Lamp for Teens
A giant lava lamp of 52 oz. or better may be the best gift you can give the teenage girls on your list that is under $50. They are funky, fun and make a very impressive presentation. The variety of colors alone are enough to get a decorator's motor running in high gear.
Given the trend towards neon colors and retro colors in teen bedrooms it's no wonder they are flying off the shelves. Of course, the cheap price tag on such a cool gift doesn't hurt. There’s nothing quite as hypnotizing as lying in bed in the dark, talking on the phone while watching those viscous blobs of sticky, slimy goop floating about in hot oil. Add some mood lighting to the display and your teens and tweens might start doing some wild stuff like blocking out the natural light from their rooms with aluminum foil on the glass of their bedroom windows! Even in the light of day wild colored giant green lava lamps and funky lime green bedding sets are a match made in Heaven.
Once upon a time, the only style of lava lamps that you could buy was the funky metal kind that looked like some sort of demented space capsule. After all of their winning attributes and charms were realized, some bright person got the brilliant idea that they could be manufactured in the funky colors and themes as lava lamps that would fit into various retro styles of decor as well as being used to decorate contemporary themes in college dorm rooms and teenagers bedrooms across the planet.
Lava lamps even have a little something for fans of vintage movies and rockabilly. You can locate lamps that pay homage to the Kings and Queens of music and movies of decades past.
Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe who sadly left this world before lava lamps came into their own as far as trendy, decorative lighting is concerned are both memorialized with lava lamps in their honor. Dead rock stars have lava lamps dedicated to them as well. Guitar gods like Jimi Hendrix have their own lava lamp. Even the Coca Cola polar bear has an icy, artic blue lamp with his stamp on it. Are you into super heroes like Superman? Well, jump on board Lois and Jimmy because there's a lamp that's faster than a speeding rocket for you! And Red and white polka dot bedding will go very nicely with a Betty Boop theme lava lamp.
They are on sweatshirts, coasters, shower curtains and even on BBQ aprons, but pictures are for nerds. Get the real deal. How much fun is a graphic on an article of clothing. If a decorative accessory is worthy of printing on fabric, you want it in the boudoir.
The message is that you can never be too old or too young to enjoy the pleasures of zoning out bathed in the relaxing glow of a hot bubbling lava lamp. The meditative effect of lava lamps can’t be ignored and who couldn’t use a break from the tornado of activity that our stress filled lives have become?
If you are afraid your friends and family might think that you’ve reverted to your stoner days, you can always enjoy one of the free lava lamp wallpapers or screensavers for your computer. Turn off the lights, lean back in the ergonomically correct office chair and enjoy the show. Or you could always buy one for your teenager and let her keep it in her bedroom. Wait until she heads out to the mall or to a party and sneak in for a peek so that nobody will rat you out.
Return to Tween and Teenage Girls Bedding and Bedroom Decorating Ideas to see more lighting suggestions that will light your life.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Pink poodles Paris bedding will ease a little girl's transition from toddler to preteen bedroom design. Consider perky poodle dogs and Parisian scenery as a temporary stop off to prevent jumping into a style of decor that's too sophisticated for a tween girl and yet mature enough that allows hints of the stylish young lady that's about to blossom a stylish opportunity to make an appearance.
Appropriate bedroom decorating ideas for tweens can be a bit of a challenge. There is a fine line between the overly dramatic and a design that will meet your daughter's approval. She's not a baby anymore but still not ready for anything too worldly or wise if you catch my drift.
For that reason I highly recommend Parisian chic pink poodles as a motif. She gets the dramatic impact of black feathers and mom gets the softness of the color pink for a few more precious years. No matter what age you are decorating for, black is the perfect background for many pastels as it grounds them and keeps them from being cloying and sappy. I give decorative accessories in black credit for being able to slip in mom's preference of an almost floral color scheme on many of my decorating projects.
To accessorize your pink poodles bedding set, add black, wrought iron lamps in the shape of the Eiffel Tower and a black chandelier dripping with black crystal beads and mini-shades edged with feather trim. Seemingly unimportant, these subtle touches may be just the thing that prevents your young lady from kicking your pink poodles to the curb!
French poodles and parisian scenery are one of the best decorating styles for teen girls who are not ready for a more mature style of decor. Compromise is essential and the black and pink in pink poodles and Eiffel tower bedding sets will keep the innocence in our baby girl's bedroom for a few more years without sacrificing a fashionable look.
Young girls love the sparkling rhinestones on the dog collars, satin gloves and pictures of the Eiffel Tower decorating the walls and floor. The availability of Parisian wall decals is an added bonus that will be an invaluable resource for wall decorations. In short, it's possible to make pink poodles seem extremely sophisticated with very little effort on your part.
Return to Tween and Teenage Girl Bedding and Bedroom Decorating Ideas to see more fashionable decorations for your daughter's room.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
A funky, high contrast black, white and hot pink bedding collection would be the ultimate fantasy of any teen girl! Feature all the sophisticated, high fashion motifs from spike heels to red hot pink lips on the pillows. Other decorations include high performance sports cars and svelte fashion models ready for the runway covered in sparkles, glitter and loads of glam.
I love the way that the pink and black polka dots and stripes contrast and pop. You might think that this design would be a little too wild to work for decorating a girl's bedroom, even a teenager's bedroom needs a few tranquil elements but black and white striped pillow shams, bed skirts and accent pillows will tone it down to a low level of excitement that the color scheme will have a fancy French flair.
I can use my romantically inclined imagination to see some Eiffel Tower or other scenery found only in Paris used to decorate the walls for the ulimate in luxury and atmosphere! Perhaps some pictures of black and white polka dot fashion accessories with pink accents would really set off the bedding!
Then you will need some funky polka dot area rugs for the bedroom floors to keep those rosy toes from getting chilled! Big black and white polka dots on a square rug will look really cool with one corner tucked ever so slightly under the edge of the dust ruffle's stripes!
I don't have a clue as to why they show pictures of this girl's bedding collection with tan or light brown painted walls. I suppose they wanted to make as many photos as they can for a cheap price! I think you will come up with many more pretty teen bedroom decorating and wall painting ideas that will make these photographs look tacky!
Imagine what your preteen or tween would say if she walked in and her bed was decorated with this set of designer bedding. Or buy a pretty gift bag if you need a special gift for a birthday or other special occasion and let her decorate all by herself!
Friday, November 9, 2007
Interior Design for Your Home
Interior design is the process of shaping the experience of interior space, through the manipulation of spatial volume as well as surface treatment. Not to be confused with interior decoration, interior design draws on aspects of environmental psychology, architecture, and product design in addition to traditional decoration (Wikipedia).

Interior Design - Home
Decorating a home is about finding a comfortable balance between the different furnishings in the space such as living room, dining room, bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. By reading my interior design articles, hope you will be able to put together an entire room or an entire home and have the design flow well throughout the home.
The common step for you to start interior design for your home are :
Choose either a theme or a color scheme
If you have been choosed some furniture or other decorations item to fill your house, then these items may have to set the color scheme for the room by selecting the paint color or wallpaper for the walls, After that time for you to focus on the floor. To get an idea about your floor, you can go to flooring stores. Otherwise, you can put carpet to make your design more beautiful and the room will look more put together also you will be able to see exactly where the decorations need to come into play within your interior design.
Decorate the walls of your space room
This will include such items as photographs, art, and also the window coverings. The window coverings become a major aspect of the interior design, choose your style and model according to your demand. The entire interior design of your room reflects your personal style and who you are as a person.
Decorating a home is about finding a comfortable balance between the different furnishings in the space such as living room, dining room, bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. By reading my interior design articles, hope you will be able to put together an entire room or an entire home and have the design flow well throughout the home.
The common step for you to start interior design for your home are :
If you have been choosed some furniture or other decorations item to fill your house, then these items may have to set the color scheme for the room by selecting the paint color or wallpaper for the walls, After that time for you to focus on the floor. To get an idea about your floor, you can go to flooring stores. Otherwise, you can put carpet to make your design more beautiful and the room will look more put together also you will be able to see exactly where the decorations need to come into play within your interior design.
This will include such items as photographs, art, and also the window coverings. The window coverings become a major aspect of the interior design, choose your style and model according to your demand. The entire interior design of your room reflects your personal style and who you are as a person.
Interior Design for Dining Room
Dining room is a formal room dedicated to the serving of meals or eating. Now, We'll talk about how to get and create beautiful and nice Interior design for dining room.
A dining room can be such a fantastic place to entertain, but it can easily be underused if you often eat in the kitchen or in front of the telly instead. Ever wondered why the red color is a popular color for design of restaurants and dining rooms? It's easy to be answer, because it stimulates the appetite. Other colors to get your mouth watering are orange and yellow.

When you make design for your dining room, the dining table and chairs are also very important as a central feature. Antique tablecloths and dresses can be cut up to make colorful napkins, and the napkins should be folded neatly and placed in the center of each setting. You can choose from many selection or style of dining room furniture sets.

A dining rooms should be light and airy, try to make the most of natural light. If the room is naturally dark, have pale or neutral blinds rather than curtains on the windows, which will only block the light even more.
Other important thing to create your design look great is if you can put some accessories, because it will add your dining room overall beauty and utility.
A dining room can be such a fantastic place to entertain, but it can easily be underused if you often eat in the kitchen or in front of the telly instead. Ever wondered why the red color is a popular color for design of restaurants and dining rooms? It's easy to be answer, because it stimulates the appetite. Other colors to get your mouth watering are orange and yellow.

When you make design for your dining room, the dining table and chairs are also very important as a central feature. Antique tablecloths and dresses can be cut up to make colorful napkins, and the napkins should be folded neatly and placed in the center of each setting. You can choose from many selection or style of dining room furniture sets.

A dining rooms should be light and airy, try to make the most of natural light. If the room is naturally dark, have pale or neutral blinds rather than curtains on the windows, which will only block the light even more.
Other important thing to create your design look great is if you can put some accessories, because it will add your dining room overall beauty and utility.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Interior Design for Living Room
Living rooms are mostly used with a family to sit together in which the family lived - multi-functional space for relaxing, watching television, reading, listening to music and entertaining guests. Interior Design or Interior Decorating idea for living room are base on the room size, kind of use, and also how much the budget was plan.
There are some of design model for living room such as formal living room, modern living room and standard living room. Interior design for formal living rooms and modern living room usually use rich and more expensive material and a strict symmetry, and also may use bright spicy colors and variety of textures to create unusual look.

Bellow are some tips to help you how to start design or decorate your living room ;
1. Determine design style or layout your living room.
See as much as possible home decorating magazines such as Asian design style, Europe design style, Franch design style, then decide which one you like. You can mix them to create a style that is your own.
2. Choose a beautiful or nice color for the wall.
Many people shy away from saturated colors, but these are the very hues that can make a dramatic statement about your personality. A bold wall color for your living room it will make spice up your space then the other rooms, You can use accessories to tie the color into the rest of the room.
3. Antique or unique furniture for living room
Try to choose matching color between the wall and your furniture items, so the room will look like beautiful and nice.
4. light for your living room
Make sure your lighting is adequate, but not overpowering. Don’t use florescent lights as they are very harsh, and a living room is all about mood. Another lighting aspect that is often overlooked is the use of candles, there are many of candles and holders in different colors and sizes to help achieve your living room decorating ideas.
5. Art & Accessories for your living room
By putting art on your walls to bring the room together and adds a personal touch, choose painted canvases which can make them look great all on their own, or a framed print in shades that compliment your color scheme. Other thing you can put your family pictures, some accessories you can add them around the corner of living room.
Start to re-design your living room now, make your self and your family members enjoy to stay on your own home.

Bellow are some tips to help you how to start design or decorate your living room ;
1. Determine design style or layout your living room.
See as much as possible home decorating magazines such as Asian design style, Europe design style, Franch design style, then decide which one you like. You can mix them to create a style that is your own.
2. Choose a beautiful or nice color for the wall.
Many people shy away from saturated colors, but these are the very hues that can make a dramatic statement about your personality. A bold wall color for your living room it will make spice up your space then the other rooms, You can use accessories to tie the color into the rest of the room.
3. Antique or unique furniture for living room
Try to choose matching color between the wall and your furniture items, so the room will look like beautiful and nice.
4. light for your living room
Make sure your lighting is adequate, but not overpowering. Don’t use florescent lights as they are very harsh, and a living room is all about mood. Another lighting aspect that is often overlooked is the use of candles, there are many of candles and holders in different colors and sizes to help achieve your living room decorating ideas.
5. Art & Accessories for your living room
By putting art on your walls to bring the room together and adds a personal touch, choose painted canvases which can make them look great all on their own, or a framed print in shades that compliment your color scheme. Other thing you can put your family pictures, some accessories you can add them around the corner of living room.
Start to re-design your living room now, make your self and your family members enjoy to stay on your own home.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Interior Design for Bedroom
The bedroom is a space that inside the house which We spend the most time in. Weather its good or not, like it or not, but We need to sleep to be able to function. So, why We don't make it our personal haven with the use of interior design or interior decorating.

Interior design for bedroom are depend on individual style, who will use for such as the children, adult, new married, or may its preparing for your guest or family when they wan to stay on your house for few days.
To make nice bedroom's design for the children you need to remember that the rooms for children should reflect their interests, such as color of wall, toys, furniture elements and also the picture. Creative flooring patterns can also be a good starting point. Try to make an easy or simple design layout, give them space for play on their room. Choose the right light for children, Kids have slightly different lighting needs from adults.

Bedroom design for an adult we can create a modern or trendy color for the wall, with nice room's decorating will help them feeling confident to stay on their room. The idea of having a themed bedroom which includes matching furniture, walls, linen, etc should not just be limited to a child's bedroom but it can also be done to an adult room as well. Important thing about decorating and interior design for adult's bedroom is express their personality, Generally adult bedroom themes to be more general or abstract rather than specifically based around a certain theme.
Romantic bedroom is the most common use for new married, Pink color more favorite in this situation. Beautiful room's furniture with modern style will make them enjoy the bedroom design.

Interior design for bedroom are depend on individual style, who will use for such as the children, adult, new married, or may its preparing for your guest or family when they wan to stay on your house for few days.
To make nice bedroom's design for the children you need to remember that the rooms for children should reflect their interests, such as color of wall, toys, furniture elements and also the picture. Creative flooring patterns can also be a good starting point. Try to make an easy or simple design layout, give them space for play on their room. Choose the right light for children, Kids have slightly different lighting needs from adults.

Bedroom design for an adult we can create a modern or trendy color for the wall, with nice room's decorating will help them feeling confident to stay on their room. The idea of having a themed bedroom which includes matching furniture, walls, linen, etc should not just be limited to a child's bedroom but it can also be done to an adult room as well. Important thing about decorating and interior design for adult's bedroom is express their personality, Generally adult bedroom themes to be more general or abstract rather than specifically based around a certain theme.

Monday, November 5, 2007
Can Green in Teen Bedding Sets be Cool?
Funky Geometrics and Acid Green Bedding
So, what are you going to do when your teen wants something funky and green? Green and funky don’t always go hand in hand. There’s jungle bedding that has lots of lush, green foliage and you might be able to stretch the description and call it wild, but funky and fun it’s just not.
Solid green? As big a fan as I am of the color green, there’s just something overpowering about a comforter in solid green. That’s just too much green to be considered cool no matter what colors or prints you pair it with.
The only fabric print at the moment that I can think of that might be green enough and yet funky enough to meet your teen’s approval would be bright green geometrics. Abstracts are bouncy and light-hearted and chock full of decorating possibilities. Pull one or two of the dominant colors from the print and go wild!
Return to Girls Teen Bedding Sets and Bedroom Decorating Ideas
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Interior Design for Bathroom
Bathroom Interior Design are base on individual needs, everyone uses bathrooms every day. So, it's good reason to have a well designed and decorated bathroom space because not only for aesthetic reasons but for ergonomics and functionality.

Interior Design Bathroom
Now days, bathrooms are very dependent on electricity as well as water and of course it will take much budget for you to make a project luxury bathroom's design. If you want to build a new house, try to create some ideas for your bathroom such as how the bathroom's look and style. May be you want to make it romantic bathroom's style, so it's need special color such as the wall, lights, nice cabinet's design and better if you can put a jacuzzi to take bath ;-)

Luxury Bathroom
Many of furniture are design for bathroom use, and you can choose them to make your bathroom look nice and put all item that may you use in the bathroom. Interior Design for Bathroom also according to what size the bathroom do you have, then you can decide what kind of you want needs, design layout.

Interior Design Bathroom's Layout

Now days, bathrooms are very dependent on electricity as well as water and of course it will take much budget for you to make a project luxury bathroom's design. If you want to build a new house, try to create some ideas for your bathroom such as how the bathroom's look and style. May be you want to make it romantic bathroom's style, so it's need special color such as the wall, lights, nice cabinet's design and better if you can put a jacuzzi to take bath ;-)

Many of furniture are design for bathroom use, and you can choose them to make your bathroom look nice and put all item that may you use in the bathroom. Interior Design for Bathroom also according to what size the bathroom do you have, then you can decide what kind of you want needs, design layout.

Friday, November 2, 2007
Interior Design for Kitchen Room
People are sometimes they don't know how to make their kitchen room look nice, safety and ideal design for home. Ok, this is just simple post about Interior Design for Kitchen Room.
Before making any remodeling decisions, research all your options. There are some Tips how to renovate your kitchen, what you'll need to do at every stage of the remodeling process:
Find Inspiration for Your New Kitchen
Make notes about how you plan to use the remodeled space, then try to distill all that information into a one or two sentence goal such as, "Open kitchen's design (You can use this design if you want your family and friends enjoy and relax their healthy meals in your home), Closed kitchen's design (Mostly kitchen used only for cooking and put the items).
Plan Your Total Remodel Budget
You need to calculate and make total how much you need to spend your budget to design your kitchen and don't forget, Be sure to budget for the unexpected when creating your spending plan.
Determine Your Kitchen Layout
See on your plan's location, this is about the place. How is the room size for your kitchen, A kitchen might have the most beautiful cabinets, technologically advanced appliances and high-end finishes. So, try to make an effective layout when design your kitchen to meet your needs and fit your space.
Choose the Right Flooring Material
kitchen is typically the busiest spot in the house, so when weighing flooring options, think about a floor's durability and ease of maintenance on you design's plan.
Decide Whether to Replace or Reface Your Cabinets
Cabinets are a major investment when you plan your budget to design your kitchen, you'll need to sort through the available options and make choices with confidence. If you have already some cabinets, you just need to freshen them up by restaining or painting. There are many specifications options about materials, designs, finishes and accessories. Choosing custom cabinets requires the longest lead time, room's size requirements and also you need to consider the cabinets construction type and door style.
Complete Your New Kitchen With Proper Lighting
Designing a lighting plan is an integral part of any kitchen remodel. Like others room in the house, the ability to adjust light levels in the kitchen is ideal, because when cooking or cleaning up, a bright punch of illumination makes the job easier.

Make notes about how you plan to use the remodeled space, then try to distill all that information into a one or two sentence goal such as, "Open kitchen's design (You can use this design if you want your family and friends enjoy and relax their healthy meals in your home), Closed kitchen's design (Mostly kitchen used only for cooking and put the items).
You need to calculate and make total how much you need to spend your budget to design your kitchen and don't forget, Be sure to budget for the unexpected when creating your spending plan.
See on your plan's location, this is about the place. How is the room size for your kitchen, A kitchen might have the most beautiful cabinets, technologically advanced appliances and high-end finishes. So, try to make an effective layout when design your kitchen to meet your needs and fit your space.
kitchen is typically the busiest spot in the house, so when weighing flooring options, think about a floor's durability and ease of maintenance on you design's plan.
Cabinets are a major investment when you plan your budget to design your kitchen, you'll need to sort through the available options and make choices with confidence. If you have already some cabinets, you just need to freshen them up by restaining or painting. There are many specifications options about materials, designs, finishes and accessories. Choosing custom cabinets requires the longest lead time, room's size requirements and also you need to consider the cabinets construction type and door style.
Designing a lighting plan is an integral part of any kitchen remodel. Like others room in the house, the ability to adjust light levels in the kitchen is ideal, because when cooking or cleaning up, a bright punch of illumination makes the job easier.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Solve your Algebra Problems
Algebra is the most difficult lesson which I ever met, but now, I have a conclusion to solve this problem, and I get it from the internet. I can use the Algebra help. Algebra help is the most sought type of math help. This is no surprise because algebra is a topic that students at every grade struggle with. From fundamental topics like fractions to basic algebra concepts, this website fills the student's need for help on algebra. Advice on how to solve algebra problems via algebra software is also given. Like our other math help resources, you learn the basic concepts for algebra through well-explained examples. Each algebra help tutorial is separated into concept, examples and 'try it out yourself' sections, giving the student sample practice and clear explanation.
You can solve your math word problems in this site. This is no surprise because algebra is a topic that students at every grade struggle with. From fundamental topics like fractions to basic algebra concepts, this website fills the student's need for help on algebra. Advice on how to solve algebra problems via algebra software is also given. Mathematics is one of the first things we learn in life. Even as a baby we learn to count. Starting from that tiny age we will start to learn how to use building blocks to count and then move on to drawing objects and figures. All of these things are important preparation to doing Algebra.
Algebra is the main branches of pure mathematics. Having the ability to do Algebra will help you excel into the field that you want to specialize in. If you want to increase your Algebra ability to get solid math foundation then you should go to TutorVista is the leading online tutoring company in the world.
There are many sites provide math problems and math answer in the Internet but rarely provide Algebra help. With algebra help, every concept of algebra are explained briefly so you can understand easily. They know very well that Algebra requires a thorough understanding of concepts, so they come with that solution.
The advantage of Algebra help is that you can connect with a tutor using your PC and get personalized attention and one-on-one tutoring at a fraction of what a learning centre will cost you. So you don't have waste your time in travel since you study Algebra from the comfort of home from best online Algebra tutor. It's means that you can decide how fast the lesson progresses based on your grasping power.
TutorVista online algebra help is easy, affordable and fun . For the first time you can try solve algebra words problem demo and interact with their expert online algebra tutor to help student to get all help they needs. There is also an extensive library of e-learning material like Algebra question banks, simulations and Algebra animations available to help the student ace the subject. You also can get help to solve your Algebra 2 homework with TutorVista Algebra 2 help online too. For more info about Algebra help, please visit their site at
You can solve your math word problems in this site. This is no surprise because algebra is a topic that students at every grade struggle with. From fundamental topics like fractions to basic algebra concepts, this website fills the student's need for help on algebra. Advice on how to solve algebra problems via algebra software is also given. Mathematics is one of the first things we learn in life. Even as a baby we learn to count. Starting from that tiny age we will start to learn how to use building blocks to count and then move on to drawing objects and figures. All of these things are important preparation to doing Algebra.
Algebra is the main branches of pure mathematics. Having the ability to do Algebra will help you excel into the field that you want to specialize in. If you want to increase your Algebra ability to get solid math foundation then you should go to TutorVista is the leading online tutoring company in the world.
There are many sites provide math problems and math answer in the Internet but rarely provide Algebra help. With algebra help, every concept of algebra are explained briefly so you can understand easily. They know very well that Algebra requires a thorough understanding of concepts, so they come with that solution.
The advantage of Algebra help is that you can connect with a tutor using your PC and get personalized attention and one-on-one tutoring at a fraction of what a learning centre will cost you. So you don't have waste your time in travel since you study Algebra from the comfort of home from best online Algebra tutor. It's means that you can decide how fast the lesson progresses based on your grasping power.
TutorVista online algebra help is easy, affordable and fun . For the first time you can try solve algebra words problem demo and interact with their expert online algebra tutor to help student to get all help they needs. There is also an extensive library of e-learning material like Algebra question banks, simulations and Algebra animations available to help the student ace the subject. You also can get help to solve your Algebra 2 homework with TutorVista Algebra 2 help online too. For more info about Algebra help, please visit their site at
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Invest With Gold Coins Gain

The market of gold will never closes and you can trade gold anywhere, anytime. Bullion coins are also produced in fractions of an ounce – typically half ounce, quarter ounce, and one-tenth ounce. Bullion coins sometimes carry a face value as legal tender, The face value is minted on the coin, and it is done so in order to bestow legal tender status on a coin, which generally makes it easier to import or export across national borders. And the simple reason why gold is interesting for investment is buy or purchase gold coin will protect your wealth in inflation or any economic downturn.
So, what is gold coins gain? is online resource for gold coin and gold bullion acquisition. You will found many of gold coin and gold bullion from around the world there. Such as $ 20 Saint Gaudens Double Eagle, American Eagle, South African Krugerrand, Canadian Maple Leaf, and many more. so, Start investing in gold by buying gold coins 1 gram, 2 grams and so on. And when a big profit, while a small profit, as profit taking in the stock, make sure the benefits are converted in the form of gold, although only slightly. Online shopping is very easy I think and in this web, you can do everything for purchase gold coin, and even for asking the Gold price everyday online.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Try to learn about e-commerce blog
I am a blogger since about 6 years a go, and I have known a little about e commerce, frankly, I really interesting about planning to start an e commerce blog, especially in interior design, I will promote this blog to the entire of the world. And before any serious undertaking that requires my time and effort, I always make a plan and my e commerce website should be no different.
The truth is, if I fail to plan, I plan to fail. But what exactly goes into an e commerce website plan? Having a solid plan of action can help me more easily measure my results, test new marketing avenues and stay connected with my target audience. By having an e commerce plan, I will be able to see what’s working, rather than guessing and hoping for the best.
The truth is, if I fail to plan, I plan to fail. But what exactly goes into an e commerce website plan? Having a solid plan of action can help me more easily measure my results, test new marketing avenues and stay connected with my target audience. By having an e commerce plan, I will be able to see what’s working, rather than guessing and hoping for the best.
There is thousands till millions of e commerce websites over internet, this is managemeticaly, you can buy, add products, and checkout automaticaly. Who is the artist from this sides ? Sure, the artist is the maker and designer of the e-commerce websites. There is many web that offer e commerce maker service, and of course, this will make us so confuse, because we don’t know how the quality of each services, but too many e commerce ventures collapse because the people involved didn't bother to secure the supply and distribution of their product ahead of time. What happens when people shopping online don't get the product they ordered in a reasonable amount of time or don't get it at all? They get angry, and chances are good, no matter how nicely you apologize to them, they'll never buy anything from you again. And they'll tell all their friends how unhappy they are with your crummy service!
I should consider when taking my e commerce services website from concept to creation. I have to do research and make strategy (using this strategy virtually guarantees that my efforts to focus in on the right types of customers are well-rewarded, saving my time and money). Next step is planning (this is the time to ask myself crucial questions regarding how much (or how little) knowledge someone must have about my product or service to make a purchase). Then, Information Architecture (here i’ll consider the navigation and layout of the site as well as best practices for overall user experience). Next, it’s about Design (if the site does not project a style that is attractive and pleasing, the customer may mistakenly infer that the products sold will not live up to their expectations). Construction is the next step, because when we think of the website construction as the support framework of a house we’re building, and web design as the outside of the house – the siding, well-groomed yard and welcome mat that make it feel warm and inviting. And the last step is Migration and Launch (involves moving the site from a development server toward live launch).
Wow, and right now, I am ready to start my e commerce blog.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Western Border Scrapbooking Sculpture Stencil |
Southwest Variety |
Horse Try Me Sculpture Stencil |
Traditional Western stencils are a great way to add some really cool decorative touches to various elements of your western or Southwestern themed bedroom that will get your teen girl involved in the decorating process. If your little cowgirl wants a western style room with lots of pink; perhaps cowboy hat stencils and some pastel paint is the answer. If cowboy hats and boots aren't enough you may want to try one of the most popular western stencil patterns which is horses or silhouettes of horses.
This style of wall stenciling is ideal for the beginner new to the use of stencils. Even a tween or preteen cowgirl can stencil these easy pictures that will add so much to her bedroom's appeal. Western style stencils have very clean lines and employ simple color schemes that make for a really fun bedroom wall mural project.
There are many appropriate stenciling designs for the Western-style teenage bedroom. Start your decorating project by making the decision of which of the Southwestern stenciling designs you want to be the focus of your teenage girls room.
To move you right along towards a quick and easy bedroom wall makeover, I have listed some of the more popular cowboy, Western stencils patterns:
- Snakes
- Geckos, Gila Monsters and other Lizards
- Cowboy hats, Boots, Spurs, Horseshoes, Sheriffs Badges in Star Shapes
- Small or Large Aged Cattle Southwestern Skulls
- Wild Mustangs and other Horses
- Herds or Single Bison or Buffalo
- Cactus Plants and Desert Flowers
- Eagles and Buzzards
- Arrangements of Indian Headdress or Single Feathers
- Desertscapes
and Sunsets
Traditionally, western decor has a heavy Spanish influence which enjoys a bold but natural color palette. Here are some colors that will keep your Western or Southwestern cowgirl’s room on the right path as far as colors are concerned:
- Taos, cobalt and turquoise blue
- Intense chili pepper red
- Sunny yellows and shades of orange
- Broad Expanses of neutrals such as sandy browns, beige and cool grays
Return to Tween and Teenage Bedding and Bedroom Decorating Tips for Girls for more cool ways to decorate your girl's bedroom with western stencil patterns.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
"Where do I find some really cool western bedding that doesn't scream COWGIRL or COWBOY?"
You will have to do it with color, pattern and pictures. Some nicely textured fabrics will help you out, too. Course woven Indian blankets, some decorative items rather than western or southwestern pictures would be better if you don't want to shout out the Old West theme in a teen's bedroom.
Some colors that would work might be:
- Rosy browns like russet, shades of chocolate brown as well as tan. You know, the colors your find in the earth, sand colors
- Subdued greens like sage
- If you want to cool it all down, indigo blue will do the trick, but keep it to a minimum and use it for accent only.
To see what patterns and shapes would work in your theme, study the designs that the original inhabitants, the American Indians, used for their beading and blankets.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
It's not hard to find a teen girl that groves to some kind of music.Bedding for a tween or teen with a musical theme has been more difficult to find until recently. Some ideas for a young girl's musical themed room start (as always) with set of bedding that either has musical notes, instruments and other musical motifs printed on the fabric of the comforter, bedskirt and shams.
Music bedding with sheets and comforters covered in musical notes will fill your teenage girl's bedroom with a virtual symphony of design and inspiration. The key to decorating a bedroom using musical decorations and fabrics is to use moderation so that your visitors don't feel they've dropped in for a visit in some mad musician's lair.
Resist the urge to decorate the bedroom with an overabundance of pictures of piano keys, musical instruments and and whole notes. Break the music themed bedding up with something cute like pink and white polka dot print fabrics and some funky chairs to go along with the piano keys and musical notes on the music bedding. A girl's room in hot pink, black and white will be cool as ice and your musical notes bedding will be main focus on center stage.
If you are creating a musician design room for a boy or if your teen girl isn't into pink as a style of decor, replace the pink with dark red or accent your music bedding theme with brass horns, guitars and other musical instruments that have enough shiny brass fittings to brighten the room's layout to your specifications.
Saxophones, trumpets, guitars and even sets of drums can be found in bright colors for girls or tan and browns to take your musical themed bedding in a masculine direction. If you are a guitar player and want color, rock and roll guitar bedding might be the ticket. Fender guitars come in every color from vintage teal green to shades of rock and roll red so carry your favorite tune around the room and share the pictures with us when you're done!
Who says cool teen girl bedroom wall decorations have to be framed art prints, pictures or posters? And then who says blackboards have to be black? Or that it is always taboo to write on the walls of your home?
Chalkboards CAN be black, but they can also be hot pink, teal blue and you can use them to decorate the walls of your bedroom or use them as message boards where you can quickly leave your teenage girl messages about appointments or to tell her how much you love her when her busy schedule prohibits other conversational methods. Gone are the old-fashioned black and bottle green blackboards on wooden easels of days gone by. Hello to decorative vinyl wall clocks and chalk board decals!
Before you dismiss the idea, consider that a decorative wall chalk board decals with a cute clock not only will serve as part of the wall decor, they might help tweens and teens resist the temptation to write on the painted walls of that pretty bedroom that has been decorated so nicely for her. With these removable, vinyl wall decorations she can write notes to herself or her friends can leave her a quick message without messing with the paint job in her bedroom. Get them in frames that work with whatever style you chose for your bedroom or buy your chalkboard decals
in shapes that are as uncomplicated as round circles and then paint some polka dots in other sizes so that your wall decorations will fit right in.
Decorative chalkboard circles and squares are just as useful in the kitchen and can be displayed on the refrigerator as well as used as wall decorations, but it's can be cool to use them in a much more decorative and unique application? Scatter the message boards all over the bedroom walls and write or draw your friends names and a caricature for each? Draw a flower in the center or anything else your little heart desires.
Do you have other ideas for how you can use them in your teenage girls bedroom? Drop us a line before you leave Tween and Teenage Girls Bedding and Bedroom Decorating Ideas and tell us all about it, girlfriend!
Monday, October 1, 2007
I have received several e-mails with questions regarding zebra print bedding sets in full size, queen size and king size. We have recently featured several zebra bedding collections in our free online teenage girls decorating magazine articles. It's been a lot of fun to experiment with different color combinations from red and pink to yellow and blue.
As I'm sure that you have observed, many times I will feature stock photographs from bedding catalogs and online sites and use these images as examples of various styles of teenage bedrooms. In this particular instance, I had used some examples of bedrooms that used black and white zebra stripes with little else in the way of fabric print and design.
The questions that I have received have asked for teen girl decorating ideas and instructions for other patterns that could be incorporated into the room so that the zebra print isn't quite so bold and attention grabbing.
Adults rooms where the beds are decorated with zebra print bedding often depends on various solid colors and greenery to offset the wild animal print. Grownups are looking for a soft place to land at the end of the day and mixed prints and patterns don't spell tranquility for people who have had to suffer the stress of a busy day in the landscape of urban life.
Teen girls, on the other hand, seem to strive on stimulating, mixes of neon colored bedding and glittering flashy decorations. For this teen that loves to push through the barriers of conservative decor I would suggest that she get a zebra print comforter or duvet cover in a luxurious fabric and try some funky graphics as accent pillows, wild animal print curtains and bedskirts.
The only rule that I can think of when coordinating graphic prints with zebra stripes would be that you might want to check that the graphics on the fabrics that you are considering not be any wider than the average width of any given black stripe.
Send me some pictures and I'll be happy to give my opinion and even some one on one decorating advice if I can.
Always lie the coordinating fabric alongside your main decorative piece before buying out the store! You might get it home and find the combination makes you nauseous!
Return to Tween and Teenage Girls Bedding and Bedroom Decorating Ideas for more tips on the latest in decor for a young lady's boudoir.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
You just decorated the dorm and once you got home, your teen's home based bedroom looked pretty dated in comparison. We know you blew the budget on stuff to decorate her home away from home. But, would it be possible to give your daughter's room at home a complete makeover and a fresh new look for less than $100? Actually by
shopping at secondhand stores and making use of eBay, garage sales and what you have stuffed in the closets and under your bed, you may be able to redecorate for less than that!
With several days work, working about an hour at a time, you can have your teen bedroom makeover done in less than a week and at a budget price. Won't she be surprised when she comes home for break? Here are some ideas on how to get started.
Bedding might be the most expensive decorative stumbling block that you encounter on your way to an extreme budget minded teen or tween bedroom makeover.
There are several ways that you can clear this hurdle and still have professional looking results and the funky bedding that will impress your daughters teenybopper friends.
- Buy yards of fabric in a wild print and make your own duvet cover. This is an easy do it yourself sewing project even for amateurs and what a bargain! We actually made a duvet cover out of three coordinating fabrics and got it all done for less than $10 because we had several lengths already on hand that were leftover from some curtain panels. We used the worn comforter for the filler for the duvet as there was nothing wrong with it, it just needed an update.
Using more of the fabric that we had on hand we used a staple gun to whip up an easy canopy that we hung. We attached it to the ceiling with a hook that had previously been used to hang a pot plant on the patio. We painted the hook black with spray paint and gathered the canopy by tying a tassel on the loose ends.
The décor called for a taller bed platform, so we jacked up the legs of the bed using some scrap lumber to make blocks of identical height placed under each after we removed the wheels. This raised the entire bed frame a few inches over a foot. This was the perfect height for some under the bed storage boxes.
Valances and decorative pillows came from the same fabrics that were used to make the duvet cover and pieced bed skirt. We simply covered the old pillows with the new fabric and added some fringes, fur and other fun notions.
So, there you have it! Teen bedroom makeover ideas that will get the job done on the cheap! Even if you don’t have yards of curtain fabric lying around you can pick up remnants or fabric that is the last on the bolt at the sewing center for a few cents on the dollar. Lime green or neon orange crushed velvet will perk up the most common cotton prints when paired with gold or faux fur trim. So don’t let your teen reject the layout based on any one fabric!
Return to Tween and TEEN BEDROOM MAKEOVER Ideas
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
So far as pink and black bedding for teenage girls that would be be perfect for teens and tweens, you have several fabric prints to choose from. Not many, but a few.
That's why you have to love the ingenuity that the manufacturer displayed when they rolled out not only a
pink and black comforter sets in zebra fabrics, but a patchwork quilt that incorporates hot pink faux fur blocks with black and white zebra.
The possibilities for such an eclectic design are rather interesting to say the least. The play of graphics one against the other brings me around to a retro, kind of Andy Warhol (if teens care to take a look at his art they will see what I mean) state of mind.
I'm not sure how I feel about mixing the less dramatic, watered down shades of pink as seen in the area rug in the example picture, but I have to give the funky, pink and black patchwork bedding set a positive review. This just goes to show that patchwork quilts are not necessarily country by nature.
Return to Tween and Teenage Girl Bedding and Bedroom Decorating Ideas to see more rooms that have used zebra in creative ways to achieve unique designs.
You may find zebra print day bed comforter sets to be very helpful whether you're decorating a dorm room or simply trying to save some space at home. Day beds are very popular and zebra daybed ensembles are big hits with teenage girls which provides the DIY decorating enthusiast with one of those rare, once in a lifetime moments of opportunity.
You can use the zebra daybed cover or comforter sets that will certainly appeal to the decorative taste of your teenage girl (as well as tweens and pre-teens) and make your case on why it's best that she sleep on a tiny bed in order to save the floor space. It might also be a good idea to mention that she will have more room to hang out with her friends and how you can expand the seating area by using the daybed as a sofa and throw some floor pillows on the floor for lounging.
Zebra print day bed comforter sets in stark black and white is a bold way to decorate and oddly enough one of most versatile patterns on the market at the moment. The black and white zebra stripe pattern is funky, flashy,fun and totally attention grabbing. As if all that weren't enough to sell you, it looks awesome with hot pink and purple which are two of the most popular colors in teenage girls bedrooms at the moment. In fact zebra bedding with pink trim is all the rage!
If that's not enough zebra striped stuff, here's some more until you're up to your ears in zebra stuff! Utilize zebra print rugs and lamps with zebra lampshades to raise the level of intensity in your safari decor.
If you want your horse in striped pajamas to hang out in the shower with you, hang some zebra print shower curtains on a black metal or painted shower rod. I love how they look with lots of potted ferns and greenery. The ferns love a hot, steamy room that doesn't get a lot of direct sun so there you are!
To top all this off, there are plenty of zebra print window treatments to match your zebra print day bed covers. However, I would lean towards a solid color curtain if I used other zebra bedroom accessories and vice versa. I know it's a teen girl's room and supposed to be wild and crazy, but enough's enough! Please for the sake of adult visitors, consider a solid color valance in black or white fabric.
Zebra daybed ensembles and bedding sets come in all sizes including extra long, queen, king, twin, and sizes specifically manufactured to fit daybeds so no matter what size bedding you need there's the perfect set of zebra bedding for your teenage girl's bedroom or even zebra baby stuff for the crib or nursery out there just waiting for you.
All the lighthouses in this set would be capable of lighting up the entirety of Cape Cod! No need to use more than one or two lighthouse decorations in any yachting or sailor girl's bedroom.
Play off the blues, grays with shots of bright red in solid colors or maybe a fabric printed with tiny anchors, flags or other nautical prints that visually blend at a distance would be best.
Throw in some polished brass lanterns, table lamps and maybe a life buoy and your lighthouse bedding will settle in for smooth sailing.
The lighthouse theme area rug might be ok so long as you could put it somewhere on the floor where it didn't fight for attention with the lighthouse medallion on the comforter. Maybe a bathroom would be a good place for it?
Return to Tween and Teenage Girls NAUTICAL LIGHTHOUSE BEDDING and DECOR Ideas for more tips on bedroom designs in a Cape Cod style.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Contemporary beds and bedding are ever so popular with teen girls. Once upon a time the spare, futuristic designs were once looked at as rather cold and unwelcoming. That day has flown past and curlicues are now replaced with smooth, flat surfaces. In the modern teen's bedroom this furniture style is getting the credit that it deserves which is that it is very easy to keep clean as well as cool to look at.
Not many teenage girls want old fashioned, antique beds in their rooms right now. Stay tuned, the trend can always do a complete turnaround, but I don't see it happening so long as geometric and funky abstract prints are piled mile high on the store's shelves.
Does the slick design element of these modern beds correspond to an inexpensive price? Oh no, my dear. Exotic hardwoods and sturdy construction bumps up the price tag on some into what most would consider the high end furniture range.
Contemporary beds have an identical footprint in the bedroom as any other beds, but the eye tends to process the straight,uncluttered lines and label them as less intrusive in the decor. For teens with less than spacious bedrooms, this is a huge benefit of contemporary furniture design and one that's worth checking into.
Check back with us at Tween and Teen Girls Bedding and Bedroom Decorating Ideas to keep up with your daughter's taste in decor.
These animal print window treatments are just teeming with wild jungle animal appeal for teens!
Whether you have decorated in wild animal prints like zebra, leopard or cheetah in your teen girl's jungle safari bedroom this dramatic valance should knock the socks off of your girl! There are combined panels of three different wild animal prints! The tab tops valances start out in zebra print fabrics with additional strips of cheetah print fabric that has been edged with leopard print fabric!
Elegant tassels have been attached at the points of the valance for a sophisticated finish.
The antiqued gold lion's head finials might be a little over the top if your teen's room is small, but you can dress this versatile window treatment up or down with less flashy drapery rods and finials if you desire.
You could add zebra bedding or other styles of jungle theme bedding sets with any of the other prints and a zebra rug to tie it all together.
cheetah print,
teen window treatments,
zebra print
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
My Decorating Project Gone Down the Tubes
If anybody's wondering why I haven't posted any new teen decorating stuff in the past week, it's because first and foremost my mom has been sick and needed my help. But if she had to be sick, it couldn't have come at a better time.
I needed a break. You can tell when you need some time off when you jump into a project and NOTHING goes as planned. I was hanging a fabulously beautiful pair of multi-colored silk drapery panels on some hammered iron rods and rammed a hole in the girl's wall. Yep, poked a hole big as a fifty cent piece right through the drywall and was that child ever miffed!
She calmed down once I offered to pay for the damage, but not a lot. To change the subject I told her we could spend the day together on Saturday shopping at one of my favorite wholesale warehouses and gather some decorating ideas for the rest of the bedroom. Whew. I don't want to lose a friend over a piddly hole in the wall!
We are going to look for some fabric to upholster a headboard for the bed. The wooden base has already been cut in a WILD shape and I can't wait! I advise all mothers of teen girls to consider a padded headboard as part of the bedroom decorations! The advantages are that they screw securely to the studs in the wall and you can match the fabric to the bedding and curtains.
Here's an instructional video that will help you get started on this cool bedroom upholstery project. Forgive the sick music at the beginning of the video and keep watching because the guy gives some good ideas on cutting a pattern and what foam to use and all that stuff.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
If plain brown, cream and tan cheetah print is hot this fall, pink cheetah print is SO HOT IT'S BURNING UP! Teen and tween girls are on fire for funky bedding with modern pink prints like pink camo bedding and now here's the latest trend in wild animal print fabrics: PINK CHEETAH!
This set comes in all sizes from twin to full and has lots of decorative accessories, some I love and some I'd change. The purple or pink round flokati faux fur trimmed pillows and rugs can hang, and I love the gauzy pink canopy over the upholstered headboard. I think that I would mount two antique gold cheetah (or lions or tigers) heads on each side of the headboard to use as tiebacks for the canopy panels.
I would drape the fabric over the sides and let the animals faces peek out from under rather than to use the headboard of the bed for this purpose. The dramatic effect of the canopy is lost somehow as is the pretty padded headboard.
I think that the bedroom in the pictures was decorated for a tween or a very young girl, but with some exotic accessories and a quick makeover it could be made into something fabulous for teens and even college age girls.
The curtain valance or drapery panels could be changed and the cheetah wallpaper border would have to go as well if you are using the cheetah print bedding for an older girl. I might go with a purple bedskirt, too.
All in all, pink cheetah print bedding is hard to locate and this is a set for a very cheap price. So if you have to change things up so be it!
Go wild and have fun with it by bringing in some seriously sexy elements in jungle animal motifs and other decorations with cheetah patterns. Dark wood furnishings would ground the animal print and give it a more mature look for the lady with wild animal tastes.
Take a look at the picture of the teen bedroom and send us your take on the best way to use this cool, pink cheetah print bedding! Return to Tween and Teenage Girls CHEETAH PRINT BEDDING SETS and Bedroom Decorating Ideas for more tips on decorating with cheetah, zebra print and more.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Here's a cool and colorful teen bedroom decorating tip that dawned on me when I saw a big pile of neon colored flip-flops on the end of season closeout sale table at the local discount store. I was cruising down the aisle looking for some accessories for a lime green and orange bedding set and I had my radar set as such. When what do my wondering eyes appear but hot pink, orange, purple and lime green flip-flops for sale at deep discount prices.
When I say deep discount sale prices I mean DEEP discounts. My mind began to race and come up with cool teen bedroom decorating ideas for these cheap shoes in all the right colors.
What I came up with was some ideas to use big brightly colored flip-flops as wall decorations and I plan to try to use them to decorate a plain white ceiling fan. When I laid out the flip-flops I thought that they would lend themselves beautifully to a 60s theme bedroom. I can imagine them glued to the wall in a swirling vortex arrangement over the head of the bed or at some other part of the room where a focal point might be necessary. I could use the larger sizes in one color gradually decreasing the sizes the closer I got to the center of the spiral.
Another idea I came up with was to remove the plain white blades of the ceiling fan and hot glue a flip-flop on the side of the blade that faced the floor. One problem I might face with this particular decorative application would be if the additional weight upset the balance of the fan's operation. If the ceiling fan was not used regularly, there would be no problem whatsoever with gluing all the decorations for your particular theme onto the blades. Take care that you use a strong adhesive to glue the decorations to the blades. If the glue failed, your cute decorations could become flying missiles and that would not be cool at all!
I’m considering decorating the fan in a beach theme room that I’m working on for a friend’s teen daughter. I’m going to use seashells along with the flip-flops in the room as the fan is for decoration only. It doesn’t operate, so I can do all kinds of fancy embellishing along with painted pictures of crabs, fish or whatever.
If I have enough flip flops left over, I’m going to use them in a 60s theme room straight out of a Grateful Dead poster! Jerry Garcia himself would love this funky psychedelic decor that I’m designing! Stay tuned for pictures!
Return to Tween and Teenage Girls COOL DECORATING TECHNIQUE for the BEDROOM WALLS to pick up ideas that will work with your decorating project.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
MP3 Player Stencil |
Laptop |
Cell Phone Stencil |
Here are a few teen wall painting ideas that will help mom in decorating the bedroom of a teenage girl, tween or preteen that seems to have a fixation on her permanently attached cellphone, Ipod MP3 player or laptop. Now you can easily decorate the bedroom walls with painted pictures of these modern wonders in technologty using these handy reusable stencils.
Electronic devices may not replace tradition teenage bedroom decor shoe as the style of choice. But there are nerds as well as members of the cool kids crowd that may like the idea of displaying the latest in electronics on their walls.
These decorative wall stencil patterns are the perfect decorating and teen wall painting ideas for the bedroom of a high school student that likes solid colors, broad expanses of black and white accented with lots of chrome. And another bonus is that you can use any colors that you want. Think how cool they would look with monochromatic black and white bedding or if your girls are still into purple bedding, so be it! Voila, Ipods of any color under the sun can magically appear on the walls of your little techno freak's bedroom in minutes.
Like it or not, teenage girls, boys and technology go hand in hand these days, so why not use these motifs as inspirations for your teen wall painting ideas? I've already pointed out how versatile they are, run it by your girls if you can get them to slow down and approve the change in decor so you can get to work.
When it comes to the best, cheap ways to give the bedroom walls a makeover, stencils are my favorites for the simple reason that for a few dollars you can give the room a whole new look. And a custom, personalized look at that. Go ahead, get the go ahead to start stenciling and you might want to consider stenciling the letters of her name on the wall while you're at it.
Return to Tween and Teenage Girl Bedding and Bedroom Decorating Ideas for more bedroom walls ideas.
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