Who says cool teen girl bedroom wall decorations have to be framed art prints, pictures or posters? And then who says blackboards have to be black? Or that it is always taboo to write on the walls of your home?
Chalkboards CAN be black, but they can also be hot pink, teal blue and you can use them to decorate the walls of your bedroom or use them as message boards where you can quickly leave your teenage girl messages about appointments or to tell her how much you love her when her busy schedule prohibits other conversational methods. Gone are the old-fashioned black and bottle green blackboards on wooden easels of days gone by. Hello to decorative vinyl wall clocks and chalk board decals!
Before you dismiss the idea, consider that a decorative wall chalk board decals with a cute clock not only will serve as part of the wall decor, they might help tweens and teens resist the temptation to write on the painted walls of that pretty bedroom that has been decorated so nicely for her. With these removable, vinyl wall decorations she can write notes to herself or her friends can leave her a quick message without messing with the paint job in her bedroom. Get them in frames that work with whatever style you chose for your bedroom or buy your chalkboard decals
in shapes that are as uncomplicated as round circles and then paint some polka dots in other sizes so that your wall decorations will fit right in.
Decorative chalkboard circles and squares are just as useful in the kitchen and can be displayed on the refrigerator as well as used as wall decorations, but it's can be cool to use them in a much more decorative and unique application? Scatter the message boards all over the bedroom walls and write or draw your friends names and a caricature for each? Draw a flower in the center or anything else your little heart desires.
Do you have other ideas for how you can use them in your teenage girls bedroom? Drop us a line before you leave Tween and Teenage Girls Bedding and Bedroom Decorating Ideas and tell us all about it, girlfriend!
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