Wonder of all wonders, black and white damask bedding sets are among the bed linens that will go marching off to decorate the college dorm room of the stylish young coed. If my eyes are not playing tricks on me, there will be more than a few decorating teenage girls bedrooms who are still living at home with mom and dad as well.
And unlike many fabrics that must undergo an extreme makeover before entering the inner sanctum of teen decor, today’s damask fabrics are for sale with pretty much the same print that was used in parlors and girl’s bedrooms decades ago.
The pattern that is enjoying a resurgence of popularity for all intent and purposes may not have changed but let me warn you not to bolt out and shop for yards of vintage damask print fabric thinking that you can pick it up for an inexpensive price, sew a duvet cover, a bed skirt and some window treatments to surprise your teenage daughter. To do so is setting yourself up for a decorating disaster and a confrontation with your tween or teen girl that you could easily avoid by reading further.
The current trend of decorating bedrooms with damask bedding sets is not just about the print. If you dig a little deeper you will see that pictures of teenage girls’ bedrooms (or adults’ rooms) in home decorating magazines are flowing over with girls black and white bedroom ideas. Don’t be a maverick and convince yourself that your daughter is interested in creating her own unique decorating trend just because you have enough red, blue or gold fabric on hand to make a ceiling tent, bedding and curtains and have yards left over. Unless you have found some fabric for pink and black damask bedding, don’t waste your time or your money.
There are cheap black and white damask bed in a bag sets for less than a hundred ($100) dollars that will put a smile on your daughter’s face and keep your checkbook balance from going into the red. Return to Teenage Girl Black and White Damask Bedding and Bedroom Decorating Ideas for more updates on what decorations are popular with teen girls at any given moment.
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