Home Interior and Design Dilemmas Eliminated
Become your own interior designer With SK Sartell.
Become an expert Do-It-Yourself, creative genius with home design tutorials and interior design books. Your interior rooms will prove your uniqueness for taste, style & interior design.
Once upon a time there was a do-it-yourself home built. This fairy tale home is unlike any other. A practical very un-witch-like artist/designer named SK built this solid concrete home from the ground up. Using self-taught design and building skills, this practical magic home came to be.
Gazing at the home from the street you feel as if stepping back in time and place to a country farm in 19th century France. Fantasy begins at the curb and continues as you walk across the bridge to the front door, the gentle sound of waterfalls lull senses as you pull the chain attached to a bell. The unique doorbell is another indication imagination, fantasy and fun have had full reign as this home was built.
SK’s diminutive stature makes you think she’d be more comfortable sitting in a turret serving tea or curds and whey. As you survey this innovative, charming and fanciful home you’ll be surveying the talents of an artist whose energy is boundless.
For instance, the front door is absolutely charming with its curved top and antique finish. When SK couldn’t find the perfect front door for her home, she built the door herself.
As we enter the whimsical home in this magical, Victorian town we wonder if we have left the land of "ordinary" and entered the land of make-believe where all the charming ideas you ever dreamed of in a home were made possible. Architectural pieces were purchased and stored for years before finding their perfect place in the home. Antique Doric wood columns define living and dining space. Copper that was hand-pounded into an embossed design came from France. The kitchen boasts French country cabinetry, hand-built by the owners. The varying heights of the cabinets, antique glass fronts and antique finish give you the impression of being shipped from a farmhouse in Provence. Counter tops are made of concrete and acid stained to give an older appearance. Copper was chosen for the many qualities for chefs. The antibacterial properties of copper contributed to their choice in this custom chef’s kitchen. These copper counter tops were handed pounded by SK.
The French glass pantry doors are sand blasted and feature bouquets of massive sunflowers through which you can peek into the interior of the pantry. Again, designed and done by SK. As a practical interior designer SK has designed age into her home, making it look well loved and well used.
In her guest bath, SK’s imagination worked overtime. While walls are painted in deep and misty forest murals, fairies peek impishly from behind painted ferns. Warm mist rises as the large soaking tub is filled by a rock waterfall. From this woodsy bath you relax looking out upon a roof garden overflowing with wild strawberries...
SK’s talents are innumerable and she isn’t afraid to tackle a new media. With her forty years of design and remodel experience SK is tackling the newest of many projects. She has finally been convinced to open her creative minds door and share her ingenious ideas with her tutorials on e-books. Her personal fairy tale home projects are the topics for these Do-It-Yourself e-books. You will learn her projects with step-by-step full color detail pages.
You can visit SK and her home at http://www.sksartell.com and her Home Design Tutorials can be found at: http://www.yourhomedesigntutorial.com

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