After a lifetime of lounging in a pink room, your little mermaid might enjoy a set of dolphin bedding for girls. Moms are making the necessary adjustments for bedrooms and shopping for decor and bedding sets that present a pretty picture in shades of ocean blue.
I have been amazed recently at the maturity as well as the large number of eco-minded young ladies who appreciate the beauty of these gentle creatures to the point that they have a wish not only to swim with them when on vacation but to commune with them on a daily basis in their rooms. And if the fish themed decorating trends that I have observed stay the course; sea creatures don’t stop with the dolphin bedding sets.
Once the girls have their hearts set on a dolphin bedroom theme, there is no such thing as too much or too many. To see dolphin area rugs, lamps and wall decorations in addition to whichever set of dolphin bedding for girls they choose are not out of the question. As a decorator, even I might think that decorating with this many dolphins would set my teeth on edge. But rather than coming across as confusing, somehow the combination of dolphin bedspread and decor comes together in a serene and peaceful fashion that seems natural. So, when your teenage girl issues a request for a dolphin bed in a bag, get ready for the house to be overrun with sea creatures and fish for a while. The good news is that it may serve to help settle your nerves and lower your blood pressure.
Return to Tween and Teenage Girls Dolphin Bedding and Bedroom Decorating Ideas for more tips on decorating your daughter's bedroom with creatures from the sea.
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