Professional decorators or moms who are taking the DIY approach have to be ready with ideas for interesting window treatments when decorating a teenage girl’s bedroom. What girls want is for the sun to be blocked so they can get their beauty sleep early in the day and privacy from prying eyes during the evening hours. And they want something unique and eye catching rather than the same blinds and valances they have had since they were little kids.
In my experience, tweens and preteens right on up to girls on their way out of the house and into their college dorm rooms will turn up their cute little noses at most traditional pinch pleated curtains and reject them as being to stodgy and ordinary. The key to decorating the bedroom windows in a style that gets the approval of the little lady of the house is to have your design board loaded with unique ideas for interesting window treatments before she cops the attitude that you have no sense of what’s stylish and fashionable.
Include some fabric samples along with your ideas for interesting window treatments
. An exact fabric match to her bedding might strike her as too "matchy matchy" and boring. Match the color, but get inventive with the material. Faux fur, satin or sparkling beaded curtains will have a better chance at getting a thumb’s up than the curtain panels that came in her bed in a bag set.
If privacy is an issue, opaque curtain panels will be more acceptable than blinds so long as you play your cards right. Jazz up floor length panels with unusual tie backs and curtain rods. If blinds are already in place and there’s a need to keep them; camouflage them with layers of valances, curtain panels that have been decorated with beads or trim.
Once you have made decisions regarding color, fabric and style the fun will really begin. Personalize your ideas for unique and interesting window treatments for your teenage girl’s bedroom with beading, themed decorations or feather trim. I’ve seen more than one pair of curtains successfully recycled with a few yards of ribbon and marabou feathers and the results were fabulous.
Teens may not have developed a taste for luxury this early in their lives, but they do have a sense of style and a need for function in their window treatments. As soon as the basic layout of the bedroom has been decided it’s a good idea to be prepared for that stage of the decorating project.
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