Sunday, October 31, 2010


christmas poinsettia holiday bedding comforter set quilt red green white classic

It causes me pain to think about decorating for the holidays but Christmas bedding sets with all those cute snowmen and snowflakes just makes me smile. Most years, the thought of drifting off to dreamland surrounded by that Jolly Old Elf and his cohorts is enough to get me off my duff and get busy.

But this year...not so much because last Christmas when I was watching movies in bed, I spilt hot chocolate all over my Frosty the Snowman comforter (dang it). Frosty now has a dark tan; at least parts of him do. It's sad, but since there's nothing I can do about it, I'm telling myself that I was kind tired of my old holiday bedding anyway. There's just no sense in crying over a chocolate brown Frosty?

So, now I have to make a decision on which direction I want to take my holiday bedroom decor. Do I buy a poinsettia bedding set and go with a traditional red and green color scheme, another blue and white Christmas bedding set similar to my old one or buy something funky like one of The Nightmare Before Christmas bedding set collections? I decorated one teen girls' bedroom for Christmas a year or so ago with a set of 101 Dalmations bedding. The comforter set wasn't specifically designed for the holidays, but the colors were absolutely perfect! Those of you with black and white bedding sets should take note of that fact and work with what you have!

I'm going to take a look at all of the above and I'll get back to you on what I find but meanwhile feel free to share any suggestions.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Designer to Watch-Erin Martin

We stumbled upon the work of Erin Martin the other day and we think we're in love!

Her work is organic in a very sophisticated way. The words "organic" or "sustainable" get thrown around a lot these days but very people get it right. We love her use of natural materials, muted colors and texture variety.

Her designs seem very original too-as no two houses are alike.

Here is a sample of her work:

To see more of her work, visit Erin Martin Design.

Real Cool Barstool

We totally dig this barstool from Arteriors. It has an unique shape to it, and we love the organic look/feel.

The barstool sells at $450/each with free shipping.

You can find the specifications in our barstool section.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Diseño de dormitorios contemporáneos - Contemporary Bedrooms

Lo que caracteriza al diseño de dormitorios contemporáneos es la simplicidad.
Espero que te gusten las imágenes, y si quieres más puedes echar un vistazo a nuestros posts anteriores a partir de aquí.

Contemporary bedroom design is about simplicity. This design style is anchored around clean lines and few accessories.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Inspirational Decorating Photos

We would like to make a little announcement today. A few months back we announced the launch of Digging Decor, which originally was conceived as a design blog.

As the months went by, we decided the better approach was to re-design it as a decorating community site, with the focus on decorating photos.

If you're anything like us, you rather look at the pictures than read the text, right? The goal for the site is to be the largest library of decorating photos, all well-indexed and well-categorized for easy searching with proper credit given to the original source.

We hate to toot our own horn, but the site is quite lovely and quite sleek. In addition to having tons of pictures, you can also join the community to ask fellow members questions like-- how to do this, where to find what etc. You can also post your own blog, upload picture of your favorite room, and get updated on deals and designed-related events.

We would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it if you come visit the site, and better yet, be a part of our community and submit your favorite decorating photos. Thanks in advance!

Interior Design Photos

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Vogue September Issue-A True Economic Indicator

If you watch the news and read the papers, you can get reallly confused. One day the housing index is up, the next day it's down. One day the stock market roars for some weird reason, the next day it tanks for other weirder reasons.

And you know what the best economic indicator there is?

The Vogue September issue.
We just got it today and it's nice and fat again. True, you have to flip through hundred of ads to get to some flimpsy content, but the nice part about that is, advertisers are spending money again! Which can leads to all kind of good things.

And we don't know about you, but we are having this frugality fatigue, big time. Enough already with all this self-deprivation. Sure, the way we spend money is forever changed, but if you really really want those Channel clogs and you don't have to cut into the rent to pay for it, why the heck not...

So here's to Vogue, and to better times ahead!

PS There's a lovely feature on an art-filled apartment. Click here to see the slideshow.

Source: Vogue

Friday, October 22, 2010

Dormitorio con elementos decorativos de piedra - Beautiful Bedroom with Decorative Stone Elements

Este dormitorio inspira mucha calidez y tranquilidad.
La iluminación tiene mucho que ver con su ambiente cálido, pero el diseño general es simplemente hermoso. Las paredes de piedra decorativa en combinación con los estantes de madera también aportan una contribución importante a la sensación casi mágica de este bedroom.It 's su turno para decirnos lo que piensas.

This bedroom inspires a lot of warmth and tranquility.
The lighting has a lot to do with its warm atmosphere, but the overall design is just beautiful. The decorative stone walls in combination with the wooden shelves also bring a strong contribution to the almost magic feel of this bedroom.It’s your turn to tell us what you think.

Dormitorios de ensueño con vista al mar - Amazing Bedrooms with a Panoramic View of the Ocean

Las propiedades frente al mar son muy deseables para mucha gente porque son considerados como un bien escaso. No todo el mundo tendrá el privilegio de poseer una propiedad que esté cerca de la playa por la forma en tipos tan limitado y caro de las propiedades son. Aunque las propiedades tan cerca del Mar se encuentran entre los más caros, siguen siendo una de las mejores inversiones que uno puede hacer. La propiedad casi siempre mantiene su valor y rara vez es afectada por la recesión y otros factores económicos. Mucha gente está nerviosa sobre la compra de la propiedad frente a la playa debido al costo inicial de alta frecuencia y el de la ubicación manera.

Beachfront properties are very desirable for a lot of people because they’re regarded as a rare commodity. Not everyone will have the privilege of owning a piece of property that’s close to the beach because of how limited and expensive such types of properties are. Although properties so close to the Ocean are among the most expensive, they still remain one of the best investments one can make. The property almost always retains its value and is rarely affected by recession or other economic factors. Many people are nervous about buying beach front property because of the frequently high initial cost and the out of the way location.

Cómo convertir tu dormitorio en un refugio de lujo - How to Turn your Bedroom into a Luxurious Retreat

Con el estrés y la vida de alto ritmo que todos vivimos, el dormitorio es el lugar para olvidar en verdad todo. Su dormitorio es el lugar donde descansar, relajarse y recargar energías para el día siguiente. Si pudiera hacer que su dormitorio sea un refugio de lujo, le daría oportunidad? A través de la iluminación, tejidos y decoración, puedes volver a tu casa y estar en un dormitorio para soñar.
A ver si estos consejos te pueden ayudar:

Tener múltiples fuentes de luz: iluminación en el dormitorio puede hacer la diferencia entre una habitación estéril y un santuario relajante. iluminación empotrada en su dormitorio arroja un resplandor, incluso en comparación con una lámpara fluorescente. Utilice luces laterales para iluminación de la tarea, y considere la instalación de un atenuador de luz del techo. Mediante el control de la iluminación de su dormitorio el estado de ánimo puede ir de brillante y enérgico a calmantes o romántico.

Hacer de la cama el foco de atención: En el dormitorio la cama ocupa un lugar frente y al centro, como debe ser. Decida qué dirección te gusta dormir y despertar a. Para las personas que por la mañana, la cama frente a la ventana es un sitio de bienvenida. Para los amantes de la noche, la cama se enfrentan contra una pared de acento y junto a la pared de la ventana funciona mejor. Cuanto más te gusta de la cama y su posición en el dormitorio de los más relajado te sentirás en el espacio.

Utilice colores suaves: Naturaleza inspira son colores suaves y relajantes. Moss verdes, azules de agua dulce, y se broncea arena inspirado hace que el cuerpo humano volver a la naturaleza. Esta es la razón por balnearios suelen tener los colores de la naturaleza. Del mismo modo, en su cuarto de baño, llevar estos colores en sus toallas, alfombras y decoración.

Relajantes sonidos: ¿Prefiere la música clásica suave, o prefiere el suave goteo de agua que fluye en una fuente cerca? Crear un ambiente en su habitación con la música que relaja y rejuvenece. La meditación se está haciendo popular en las habitaciones, y al sonidos de la naturaleza puede ayudar a reorientar y recibe el centro. Dependiendo de su estilo de música traer sonidos relajantes en su dormitorio y el transporte a ti mismo en otro estado de bienestar.

Que tenga un  olor celestial: Encienda el incienso y los aceites como la lavanda añadido a su almohada le ayudará a amar a su dormitorio. Las flores frescas y esencias inspiradas en la naturaleza son el toque final para su refugio de lujo. Abra las ventanas y dejar entrar aire fresco en su espacio habitual para llevar brisa natural y el ciclo de aire fresco para el cuerpo y la mente.

Sleek Design from Fu Tung Chen

We stumbled accross Fu Tung Chen's work a few years back and we're still in love. Known for exquisite concrete design, his work has such an elegance and refined quality to it.

Here are some samples of his portfolio...